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How to use wireless headphones without buttons?

Source: Time:2022-07-09 14:19:39 views:

Wireless earphones are generally used by touch. Switch songs, adjust volume, answer calls, start or pause by tapping the root of the earphones, and perform different operations mainly by tapping the number of times. Wireless earphones generally have a charging case, which can be charged by putting it in. At present

Wireless earphones are generally used by touch. Switch songs, adjust volume, answer calls, start or pause by tapping the root of the earphones, and perform different operations mainly by tapping the number of times. Wireless earphones generally have a charging case, which can be charged by putting it in.

At present, wireless earphones are widely used in daily life. Most of the business people choose to use wireless earphones to answer calls, which can be more convenient to answer and record content at the same time; people who love sports often use wireless earphones. Winding, can make the movement smoother.

The method of connecting a wireless headset to a mobile phone is relatively simple, generally divided into five steps, as follows:

1. First open the phone, and then open the "Settings" on the phone desktop;

2. Then find "Bluetooth" and click to open;

3. After opening, click to search for nearby devices;

4. Then find the device name of the wireless headset and click pairing;

5. Finally, the pairing is successful, and the sound of the headset indicating that the pairing is successful means the connection is successful.

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